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Veselsko region is situated in the heart of a larger region - Slovácko (Moravian Slovakia). The whole region is defined by local folklore and lively traditions that survived from the earlier times unttill today. The Slovácko region is divided into several sub-regions: Dolňácko, Horňácko, Hanácké Slovácko, Moravské Kopanice and Podluží.

The Veselsko region is located partially in the area of Dolňácko and partially in Horňácko.

Dolňácko is an area spread out along the river Morava, between the towns Hodonín and Napajedla. The area is characterized by specific architecture which was used in earlier times - a white facade with blue edging, decorated by folk ornaments with bright colours, sometimes with an areched extension by the entrance. Some of these houses has been preserved untill today, they can be seen foe example in Strážnice, Tasov, Hroznový Lhota, Kněždub and Veselí nad Moravou - Zarazice. The Dolňácko region is mostly famous for wine growing, painted Easter eggs, cornhusk dolls, embroideries and woven products. To the Dolňácko region belong: Blatnice pod Svatým Antonínkem, Blatnička, Hroznová Lhota, Kněždub, Kozojídky, Moravský Písek, Radějov, Strážnice, Tasov, Tvarožná Lhota, Vnorovy, Žeraviny and Veselí nad Moravou.


Horňácko is a region located mostly in the Nature Reserve White Carpathians along the border between Czech Republic and Slovakia. It is a region mostly with hilly terrain. The region consists of nine municipalites:  

Hrubá Vrbka, Javorník, Kuželov, Lipov, Louka, Malá Vrbka, Nová Lhota, Suchov and Velká nad Veličkou. Horňácko is a region with harsher nature conditions and it is a much poorer region than fertile Slovácko. Locals have always had a rough life out there and all of that is reflected in their doings, architecture, folk costumes, dialect, music, dancing and also songs. It is said that inhabitants of Horňácko region don't sing their songs with their voices, but rather with their hearts. This can be also applied in general - under the harsh skin are honest, straightforward and cordial people...


Each region has its own specific culture and tradions. Also the folk costumes are very different from place to place - the general rule is: "the richer region, the more decorated costume". The costumes are made manually untill today. In the Veselsko region the costumes are made in Blatnička, by the publicly beneficial company "Tradice Slovácka". This company offers tailoring of folk costumes and other manually manufactured traditional products. In the company residence you can also visit an exhibition dedicated to local traditions and crafts. 


Tradice Slovácka, o.p.s., tel.: +420 518 325 492,
+420 736 726 142, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,


The Town museum in Veselí nad Moravou also offers and exhibition of local folk costumes.:

+420 518 322 412,


A small exhibiton of folk costumes can be found also in the Museum in Blatnice pod Sv. Antonínkem

+420 731 918 900, +420 737 576 694, .


If you are interested, even today it is possible to admire the beauty of folk costumes along with singing and dancing of folklore ensembles and folk music at the occasion of various folk festivities and festivals. Beside folk festivities and festivals the Slovácko Region offers many events based on local traditions and customs. The most known are the Carnival, the wakes, the grape-harvest festivities and the ride of the kings. 


Slovácko is also a region where the tradion of handicraft has been preserved untill today. Since 2001 the Czech Ministry of Culture awards a title "Bearer of Popular Craft Tradition", which is inspired by the annual UNESCO awards "Living human treasures". The Veselsko region has already four craftsmen who were awarded this title. You can find their products at various markets and fairs. 


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